NOAH Foundation
The NOAH Foundation funds social entrepreneurship, constructive journalism and initiatives to save our oceans.

The Noah Foundation is a private, independent foundation registered in Potsdam, Germany.
Since 2008 it has successfully initiated and supported numerous social and environmental initiatives in Germany and around the globe. Recognizing the role of social entrepreneurship in achieving the global goals, it has been one of the first foundations in Germany to tap into this potential.
In the past years, the NOAH Foundation has increasingly dedicated itself to supporting constructive journalism as well as ocean advocacy and restoration. The digitalization of the media industry has increased the need for constructive journalism, while opening up new possibilities of addressing our current social and environmental challenges. As the foundation focused on developing, supporting and spreading concrete solutions to climate change, the importance and potential of our oceans grew as a central theme within our work.
We were pleased to welcome Alexandra Cousteau and Fritz Neumeyer on to our board to better fulfill our expanded mission. To more effectively address these important fields, the NOAH Foundation launched two new purpose trust funds.

Since 2020 the NOAH Foundation is the trustee of the GOOD Impact Foundation and the OCEANS 2050 Foundation, while continuing to provide scholarships in support of social entrepreneurship.
The GOOD Impact Foundation is a trust foundation dedicated to promoting solution-orientated journalism and innovative media projects that make a direct contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The OCEANS 2050 Foundation is a trust foundation dedicated to ocean advocacy and restoring the abundance to our world's oceans. OCEANS 2050 promotes social transformation to enable the collective action and supports initiatives and projects committed to this purpose.
NOAH Foundation

NOAH Foundation, Joachimstraße 10, 10119 Berlin, Deutschland
